Published Jun 17, 2024
COACHSPEAK: Mater Dei Football Asst. James Griffin talks Daryus Dixson
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Richie O'Leary  â€¢  Happy Valley Insider

Penn State Football landed a massive commitment recently and one of top prospects in the country in class of 2025 cornerback Daryus Dixson out of Mater Dei High School in California committed to the program.

Happy Valley Insider decided to reach out to his coaching staff at Mater Dei, but since they just hired a new coach recently, we decided to reach out to assistant coach James Griffin to learn more about his game and what type of prospect Penn State is getting in Dixson.


HOW IS DIXSON ON THE FIELD?: "Daryus is an ultimate competitor, he has a high football IQ and also elite level ball skills."

WHAT ABOUT DIXSON OFF THE FIELD?: "Daryus is an elite student athlete a great teammate and natural leader."

WHAT DOES HE NEED TO DO BEFORE CONTRIBUTING AT THE NEXT LEVEL?: "Well every freshman needs to learn the playbook and get acclimated to the speed of the game first and foremost. However he is more than willing to do whatever it takes to get it."

WHO DOES HIS GAME REMIND YOU OF AND WHY?: "Daryus remind of the former Penn State great in Joey Porter Jr. He is a long, physical, and athletic cornerback that just plays with a lot of swagger."

WHAT MAKES PENN STATE SUCH A GOOD FIT?: "Penn State was the most consistent school in the recruiting process. They made him feel wanted. They have a close knit, family like atmosphere there and add in the campus, that's what sold Miron."

2025Team Rankings
recruiting Team Rankings
Scores / Schedule
13 - 3
Overall Record
8 - 1
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.