Published Oct 28, 2023
HV TV: James Franklin's postgame press conference after win over Indiana
Happy Valley Insider

Penn State head coach James Franklin met with the media following his team's 33-24 win over Indiana on Saturday afternoon.

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Opening Statement:

So, like always, I want to thank you guys for coming out and covering Penn State football. Really proud of our guys. Battled, were resilient. Found a way to get a win. Found ways to make plays at critical moments. Dani’s play, obviously, was huge. KeAndre’s play was huge. Drew responding like that. So, I’m just proud of the guys. So, obviously we’ve got some things that we got to get cleaned up and corrected. But moving forward you know, we’ve got to get back to stacking days, stacking wins and learn from the last few weeks’ experiences. So, appreciate you guys coming out and open up to questions.

QUESTION: You mentioned Drew. Was it somewhat, I don’t know, relieving that you were able to hit a deep pass after struggling all year to hit a deep pass in a big situation? And what does it say about Drew that he was able to rebound out there today?

A: No, but it was awesome. I enjoyed it. That was awesome. I wouldn’t describe it that way, but yeah, obviously Drew’s being able to sit in there and deliver that ball. KeAndre, being able to make that play and finish and stay in bounds was awesome. As you guys know, we talked about it enough. We talked about it a bunch. We’ve got to continue to be able to do that. So, that was awesome. It was awesome. Also, some pretty good examples of shots we called, and we threw a check down. Got explosives there too.

QUESTION: What does it say about Drew that he was able to bounce past it?

A: Yeah, I think I covered that. I think I said yeah, it was awesome for Drew as well and delivering that ball in that situation and respond. He’s done a great job protecting the football all year long. That was his first interception. Hadn’t wanted to talk about it, but I think he broke the record, all-time NCAA record for completions without an interception. You know, now we can move on from that, but I’m proud of him. And that was a big play. He showed a lot of resilience.

QUESTION: To follow up on Rich’s question because I know you love this topic so much. But in all seriousness, what goes through that play? How does that end up unfolding? Is that something that you called from the sidelines? Is that an audible? Can you take us through that play?

A: On the shot? So, we called, I don’t know, like every game, probably call eight. You know, typically when we call a go route, it’s not just a go. So, it’s a read route. If they’re off and bailing, then we sit it down in front of them. The one that we threw to KeAndre, earlier in the game on a crossing route that we missed, that was the same exact play call. They bailed their corners. And obviously, we’re not just going to throw it. Went to take the check downs.

Excuse me, the call outs or however you want to describe them, and then came to KeAndre. We missed it, then we called it again. I think that’s one that we hit Kaytron and then Kaytron was able to advance the ball up the field. So, we call them every game and probably called ten to twelve shot plays every game.

QUESTION: James, there was so much emotion after last week and trying to flush it, move on, come back home, perform against Indiana. Can you describe the mental, emotional toll that takes on your players playing the Big Ten, having to respond? Can that be difficult for guys and how proud are you of what they did today?

A: Yeah, I’d love to talk about that. No one cares, let’s be honest, for me to sit here and say that. I appreciate the question and I understand the question, but no one cares. So, for us, we’ve got to find a way to handle adversity during games, adversity during the week and

adversity in life and rebound and tune out all the other stuff. And I think for the most part, we’ve done a pretty good job of that, but to your point, is it easy? No, but no one cares.

QUESTION: James, can you assess the defense? Particularly, when you went up 10 points, you know, and regrouped in the second half there. You know, were they throwing some things at you that maybe you didn’t expect or maybe just overall, what you thought of the defense?

We just had some blown coverages that we haven’t had. And sometimes, I’m going to be honest with you, you make a mistake, and the offense doesn’t find you when you make a mistake. And we made some mistakes. This game specifically, the one where it’s either a corner fire or a linebacker blitz, depending on the formation in the split, and both of them ended up coming. We were obviously in trouble. So, we just made some mistakes this week that are uncharacteristic for us. Got to give Indiana credit. They did a good job. We went into that game thinking that quarterback is a good player. Thought he played well today. Thought he played really well today. But that’s essentially what happened. We blew some coverages and got caught when we blew them.

QUESTION: I think you were wearing a play sheet on your belt today. I don't think that is typical of you. Correct me if I'm wrong. Were you more hands on in play calling today at all as you have been in other games?

Yeah, that play sheet has been on my hip for 13 years. Every game for 13 years.

QUESTION: Coach, wanted to ask you about Drew. He seemed a little bit more aggressive and tucking the ball under and running a little bit. Is that a result of a conversation from last week's film or looking at something or did it just present itself a little bit more today for Drew to tuck it under and run some more?

You know, we always want to climb the pocket. You know, whenever you get pressured a big mistake you can make is drifting in the pocket and then obviously it becomes difficult for the offensive tackles. You want to drive up into the pocket and then that's when you take the check downs and if the check downs aren't there, then then take off and you know, that's where you can take a second and long and create a third and manageable so he's done a good job of that. I think he can continue to do that. I think there's some things in the run game where he can help us as well on some of the zone read stuff, but we’ll pull it and run it all out the backside or pull it and throw it. I think those things will help us as well right now. I think that's some of the things we've talked about. You know, when Beau's in there, they're concerned about that which is opened some opportunities in the running game, you know for Potts and some of the backs, so I think we’ve got to be willing to do more of that.

QUESTION: James you played quarterback, you know what goes into that position you said a few weeks ago. ‘Drew doesn't need any more firsts. He’s played enough.’ But in this situation to overcome the interception to get the touchdown to enjoy that type of moment in the game. Can you see this being a little bit of a defining moment for him and in his development?

Yeah, I think that's a that's a fair ‘first.’ That is a legitimate first, you throw your first interception how are you going to respond from it? I thought he handled it really well and delivered a big time throw. Big time. So yeah, I think that's a positive and something that we can build on. I think the other thing is we’ve got to continue to work at creating separation and getting open at tight end and wide receiver to help with those things. And I think we’ve got to do everything we possibly can with a scheme standpoint as well but I'm proud of him and I do think that's a that's a legitimate first to bring up when he when he threw his first interception today.

QUESTION: James the middle eight was big, I thought for you guys. Again, they're driving down the field at the end there, with a score of 14-14 and you come up with the interception. How big of a play was that first of all to kind of set things up for you as you're able to do at the start of the second half too?

A: Yeah, we spent a lot of time talking situational football and it's four minute, two minute, middle eight, whatever it may be. That was big. And then obviously Jalen not only getting the interception, but almost returning it. That was a big play and then for us to be able to turn that into some points at the end of the half and then start the second half was important.

That's a real positive and something to build on for sure. But yeah, we call it situational football all the time. And that was a big one in this game. I agree.

QUESTION: One of the things you guys have been able to do better than most teams in the nation is get after the quarterback. After giving up a couple of big plays early, how do you guys remain confident and send in your defensive backs and still get after the quarterback?

A: Yeah, I think a couple of things. I felt like you know, we've done a really good job all year long at getting people off schedule on first and second down. I don't know if we did that as well today, and that's where the opportunities from pressures and sacks you know, weren’t as maybe common as they've been in the past. But, you know, you look at some of our defensive backs as well. Some of our linebackers including the defensive line with the sacks and pressures. Johnny Dixon, I think is having a phenomenal year. I don't know if he's getting talked about enough locally or nationally as a blitzer. Being able to finish sacks, being physical on the perimeter, making plays on the ball. He’s having a really good year. I’m proud of him.

But yeah, I think whenever you can blitz and be productive from the secondary at the linebacker level or be able to create those pressures from your down four or three down if we’re in our prowler package, that obviously makes it difficult to deal with.
